Pure Zenfil Shilajit
Health Benefits of Shilajit
Benefits of Shilajit
Zenfil Shilajit Benefits
Pure Zenfil Shilajit
Health Benefits of Shilajit
Benefits of Shilajit
Zenfil Shilajit Benefits

Zenfil Pure Shilajit - 100% Natural

Sourced from the pristine mountain ranges, Zenfil Shilajit helps you conquer your day. They are loaded with 80+ different minerals - the power ingredients that put your health in a strong position. Say hello to increased energy, vitality, and overall well-being!

₹1,299.00 ₹1,900.00


Zenfil How to Use Instructions

Step 1 :

Take a tablespoon (given in packet)
of Zenfil Shilajit

Step 2:

Mix it in hot water, warm milk,
or tea

Step 3:

For best results, drink it twice
a day

Shilajit: The Sticky Resin
from the Mountains!

Shilajit, also called mumijo or mumie, is a sticky, tar-like substance found nestled in the heart of high mountain ranges like the Himalayas, Altai, and Caucasus. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants.

Being a naturally occurring substance, its nutrient profile consists of complex organic compounds of fulvic and humic acids, plant alkaloids, and minerals. No wonder it's been used in traditional medicine, especially Ayurveda, for a long time! It's like a tiny treasure trove of potential benefits from the mountains themselves.

Zenfil Shilajit How It Will Work

A Sneak Peek into Pure Shilajit

80+ Minerals:

Shilajit is packed with over 80 different minerals, including big hitters like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus, alongside tiny but mighty ones like iron, zinc, and selenium.

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80+ Minerals

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Fulvic Acids

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Amino Acids

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Fatty Acids

Unmasking the Mountain Magic

Qualities of Pure Shilajit

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Ideally, Himalayan shilajit is preferred due to its traditional use and potential for higher quality.

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Pure shilajit comes in a thick, resinous form, usually blackish-brown. Powders or capsules might be mixed with fillers.

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Pure shilajit completely dissolves in warm water or milk within a few minutes, leaving a golden or reddish hue.

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It has a distinct, slightly pungent or tar-like smell. Avoid shilajit with a faint or unpleasant odour.

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While taste isn't the best indicator, pure shilajit can have a slightly bitter or astringent taste.

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01 30 Days
  • Increase in energy, stamina and overall sense of well-being.
  • Improved mood and reduced stress.
  • Enhancement in memory, focus, and mental clarity.
02 60 Days
  • Reduces risk of bone-related issues.
  • Balanced hormones.
03 90 Days
  • Reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Healthy liver and kidney.
  • Harmful toxins removed.
Zenfil Level-up with Shilajit


Do You have any question for us ?

We Are Updated with your requirements and love you give us to us as always

Zenfil Shilajit is generally safe for most healthy adults when used as directed. However, it's always recommended to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement.

Everyone's body is different, but many people notice an increase in energy and vitality shortly after starting Zenfil Shilajit. For best results, make it a part of your daily routine and give it some time to see the magic.

NO. Zenfil Shilajit is in the purest form of natural ingredients with no extra additives.

NO, there are no commonly reported side effects of Zenfil Shilajit.
